建立完善的组织架构是公司高速发展和为客户提供优质服务的保证. A complete organization structure ensures fast development of the company and good quality service to our customers. 经营: 诚信经营,决不因短期利益而影响我们的未来。我们注重公司利益和社会利益的契合,以优质服务,出色表现赢得客户的信任。 Business Do business honestly and never let the short-term interests affect our future. We lay emphasis on the interfusion of interests of company and that of society. We would like to win customers' confidence with knight services and excellent performance. 服务: 服务是企业参与市场的第二次竞争,是比产品竞争更重要的竞争。我们要倡导"以优质服务提升价值"的理念,树立新的服务意思,创造新的服务手段,开辟新的服务空间、满足新的服务要求。 Service Service is regarded as the second competition for companies participating in the market, a competition more important that of products. We would like to propose the philosophy of raise values through knight services, foster a new service concept, create a new service method, explore new service space and meet new service needs. 员工: 品德的修养是人生的基础。以德御才,德才兼备是我们的用人标准。我们尊重员工,为员工提供优越的工作环境和良好的工作气氛,我们尽可能为每一位员工创造发展的机遇及空间以达到其职业生涯的高峰。 Employee Moral cultivation is the basis of people's life, We adopt the employment standard of adeptism and em ploy people who possess both ability and politic al integrity. We respect our employees and will provide them with superior working environment and good working atmosphere. We try our best to offer every employee opportunities as well as space of creation and development to help them achieve the climax of their careers. |